Counselling Psychologists
Dr. Y.P. TSANG, Bill 曾育彪博士
Senior Counselling and Training Consultant
BS, MS, MA, EdM, EdD (PhD equivalent, Harvard)
Registered Psychologist, Hong Kong
Licensed Mental Health Counselor (Massachusetts, USA)
香港註冊心理學家 (香港心理學會)
美國麻省心理輔導執照 (LMHC)
Dr. Bill Tsang has been practicing since 1994, specializing in mental health and individual psychotherapy, as well as couple and family therapy. He has worked extensively with people suffering from depression, anxiety, relational traumas and difficulties, parent-child conflicts, and personal development issues. While he takes an integrated approach to psychotherapy, Dr. Tsang often applies psychodynamic therapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy in his work, with sensitivity towards spiritual and faith issues. He is also experienced in helping professionals in their personal growth, vocational development and life coaching.
Dr. Tsang was an assistant professor in the Department of Social Work at The Chinese University of Hong Kong for four years, where he taught mental health and family counseling courses, and practiced clinical work. He also gives workshops and seminars on mental health and personal growth in various settings, including universities, schools, counseling and social work agencies, and churches. He has practiced clinical counseling and psychotherapy in the USA for more than seven years. He has been conducting psychological and education research at the University of Hong Kong since 2006. His work also involves developing global leadership training programs for young professionals, and mentoring programs for vulnerable youths.
Dr. Tsang received his Master in Counseling Psychology from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, his Master in Education and Doctorate in Human Development and Psychology from Harvard University. He is a License Mental Health Counselor in Massachusetts, U.S.A. and a registered psychologist with the Hong Kong Psychological Society.
曾育彪博士 (Dr. Bill Tsang) 於心理健康及個人發展方面具廣博之知識及豐富之臨床經驗 (自 1994),處理婚姻與家庭治療個案尤有心得。多年來他與各類不同需要人士同行,當中問題包括抑鬱、焦慮、人際之困擾或關係中受創,亦有親子間未能協調之境況。
曾博士居美期間,有七年的臨床輔導及心理治療工作經驗,自 2002 至 2006 年,曾博士乃香港中文大學社會工作系之助理教授,任教學科包括心理健康、家庭輔導等,同時亦參與系內之臨床輔導工作。自 2006 年,曾博士在香港大學從事多項教育研究。多年來曾博士被邀於社會服務或輔導機構、教會等作主講者,於有關心理健康並個人成長等範疇之研訪會及工作坊當中,以其精闢之見解,讓參加者獲益良多。他亦有為年青專業人士設計國際領袖訓練。
Mrs Winnie LEE 李劉穎瑩女士
Senior Counselling and Training Consultant
Registered Counselling Psychologist & Associate Fellow, HKPS
Registered Educational Psychologist, HCPC UK
Approved Supervisor, ACA and HKPCA
Trainer in Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy
Certificate in Emotion-Focused Therapy
Mrs Winnie Lee has over 30 years’ experience working in the education and counselling field. She started her career as a Social Worker in the Family Services of the Social Welfare Department in HK, then she was employed as a Child and Educational Psychologist in Australia for 9 years before working as a Counselling Psychologist in a local university for over 20 years. She now works privately as a counselling psychologist and a part-time lecturer cum clinical supervisor in local universities.
With her many professional qualifications and extensive work experiences, Mrs Lee is well experienced in counselling cases of different nature including emotional problems, stress and anxiety, parenting, couple/family relationships, children with behavioural and emotional difficulties, mental health issues and other personal issues. She is knowledgeable in conducting a wide range of psychological assessments and training programmes for counsellors, teachers and parents.
李劉穎瑩女士在心理輔導和教育方面已有 30 年以上的豐富經驗。在港大畢業後,她在社會福利署的家庭服務部工作,其後在澳洲的教育部擔當了九年的兒童及教育心理學家;再回港在大學任職為輔導心理學家,有超過 20 年的經驗。她現為私人執業的輔導心理學家,並兼任大學講師和輔導員的督導工作。
李女士擁有多個的專業資格和豐富的工作經驗,在心理輔導方面,她善長於處理各類型 的問題,包括情緒困擾、壓力、焦慮、管教子女、夫婦或家庭關係、精神健康和其他個人問題。她亦主理各種心理評估及提供培訓給輔導專業人士、教師和家長。
Dr. Frank LEUNG 梁經緯博士
Senior Counselling and Training Consultant
Registered psychologist (Counselling Psychologist), Associate Fellow, Hong Kong Psychological Society,
Registered Supervisor-Australian Counselling Association
Dr Frank Leung is a United Kingdom Health & Care Professions Council (HCPC) and Hong Kong Psychological Society Registered Counselling Psychologist, an Associate Fellow of the Hong Kong Psychological Society, and the Chairperson of the Division of Counselling Psychology in the Hong Kong Psychological Society (2010-2014). He is also a Chartered Psychologist of the British Psychological Society, a full member of the Division of Counselling Psychology, of the British Psychological Society, a full member of the American Psychological Association, and a registered Supervisor in the Australian Counselling Association. Dr Leung is also a certified hypnotherapist of the Professional Board of Hypnotherapy and the National Guild of Hypnotherapists. He is a life member of the Hong Kong Mental Health Association and a member of the Hong Kong Professional Counselling Association. Dr Leung earned his Doctor of Education degree from Nottingham Trent University, UK studying Adler’s Counselling theory, he got his MPhil. in psychology from the Chinese University of Hong Kong focusing on Personality Assessment and a Bachelor of Arts degree with cum laude honour in psychology at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, USA.
Dr Leung is the founder and director of Care & Beyond- Wellness Service Centre, was an Honorary Associate Professor at Centennial College (July 2016-July 2018), Senior Lecturer (2000-2012), Principal Lecturer (2012- Jan 2024) and Head of the Division of Social Sciences (June 2016 - June 2019) at HKU SPACE Community College. He has been teaching Psychology in local tertiary institutions for more than 30 years. He had been teaching full-time at The City University of Hong Kong for 6 years before he joined HKU SPACE Community College in the year 2000 when the college was established. He received the Outstanding Teacher Award in 2010.
Dr Leung has also given talks to primary and secondary schools, provided consultation to the mass media, and conducted training workshops for government departments, charity organizations, and commercial firms, such as Hong Kong Red Cross, The Deliveroo, Hong Kong Integrated Oncology Centre, to name a few. Training and seminars include how to deal with difficult staff, how to handle difficult customers, how to make the clinic more client-friendly, stress management, raising motivation, group dynamics, assertiveness training, child development, children's sex education, promotion to primary school preparation, positive thinking, raising self-esteem, EQ, IQ, multiple intelligence, parenting, positive psychology etc. He is a co-author of a Chinese Abnormal Psychology Text for the City University of Hong Kong and has articles published in newspapers and books. He is also the author of articles in different books like 梁經緯(1999). 思念的處理方法。載關銳煊,高劉寶慈編。《家庭危機應變手冊》,頁205-210。香港:天地圖書。梁經緯(2022). 《身份及資訊建立專家分析》及《A0的疑惑:沒有戀愛經驗的悲歌》。載香港心理學會心理學部編。《青春的歷練: 二十個青少年成長的挑戰》。頁80-93; 139-155。香港: 萬里機構。He also published regularly on his Facebook. He is also a practitioner providing individual counselling as private practice and volunteer services. Psychological counselling includes personal development, personality adjustment, marital relationship, sexual relationship, life adjustment, stress and emotional management, mental health, depression, anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, psychosomatic disorders, life coaching, single parent’s children problem, parent-children relationship, parenting, pre-marital counselling etc. In 2008, during the 5.12 Sichuan earthquakes, he led a team of counselling psychologists to visit different disaster areas in Sichuan to provide counselling for earthquake victims. His act was also reported by local television - TVB Tuesday Files documentary series.
Dr Leung taught Personal Development, Mental Health, Introduction to Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, Positive Psychology, Intra-and Interpersonal competencies, Developmental Psychology, Personality and Organizational Behaviour, Introduction to Counselling, Human Development and Social Environment, Introduction to Personality and Introduction to Social Psychology before in tertiary institutes.
香港心理學會註冊心理學家(輔導心理學) 香港心理學會副院士
梁經緯博士為英國健康及護理執業監管局(HCPC)及香港心理學會(HKPS)註冊輔導心理學家、香港心理學會副院士及香港心理學會輔導心理學部主席(2010-2014)。他還是英國心理學會的特許心理學家,英國心理學會輔導心理學部的正式會員,美國心理學會的正式會員以及澳大利亞諮詢協會的註冊督導。 梁博士也是催眠治療專業委員會和美國全國催眠治療師協會的認證催眠治療師。他亦為香港精神健康協會終身會員及香港專業輔導協會會員。梁博士在英國諾丁漢特倫特大學獲得教育博士學位,硏究阿德勒諮詢理論,並獲得香港中文大學心理學碩士學位,硏究人格評估,並以優異成績獲得美國明尼蘇達大學心理學榮譽學士學位。
梁博士為緯心綜合輔導服務有限公司的創辦人及總監,曾被委任為明德學院榮譽副教授(2016年7月至2018年7月)、於年2000 年8月至2024年1月年間任香港大學專業進修附屬學院學院高級講師,首席講師,社會科學部主任等。他在本地大專院校教授心理學超過30年。他曾在香港城市大學全職任教6年,並於2000年香港大學專業進修附屬學院成立時加入香港大學附屬學院。他於2010年獲得傑出教師獎。
梁博士曾為政府部門、志願 機構、商業機構、學校及傳媒擔任顧問、提供培訓及主持講座等,例如香港紅十字會、The Deliveroo、香港腫瘤綜合中心等。培訓、講座和研討會包括如何與困難的員工打交道、如何處理困難的顧客、如何打造求診者友好的診所環、壓力管理、提高工作及學習動機、小組動力、敢於自表訓練、兒童發展,如何與子女談性,升入小學準備,積極思考,提高自尊,情緒智商,智商,多元智慧,育兒、正向心理學等。他是香港城市大學中文心理學教材的合著者,並在報紙和書籍上發表文章。他還是等不同書籍的作者。梁博士著作有:梁經緯(1999). 思念的處理方法。載關銳煊,高劉寶慈編。《家庭危機應變手冊》,頁205-210。香港:天地圖書。梁經緯(2022). 《身份及資訊建立專家分析》及《A0的疑惑:沒有戀愛經驗的悲歌》。載香港心理學會心理學部編。《青春的歷練: 二十個青少年成長的挑戰》。頁80-93; 139-155。香港: 萬里機構。梁博士亦不時接受報章及雜誌發訪問及撰稿,也有在臉書發表文章。他還是一名從業者,以私人執業和義務型式提供輔導服務。心理輔導包括個人發展、人格調整、婚姻關係、性關係、生活調整、壓力和情緒管理、心理健康、抑鬱症、焦慮症、強迫症、心身疾病、生涯規劃、單親子女問題、親子關係、育兒、婚前諮詢等。2008年,在四川5.12地震期間,他帶領輔導心理學家團隊多次走訪四川不同災區,為地震災民提供心理輔導及為醫護人員提供培訓。無線電視星期二檔案曾經有專輯報導。
梁博士曾任教及現任教的科目包括:心理學導論、正向心理學導論、基礎輔導學、精神健康導論、個人成長、發展心理學、性格、人際關係與個人內省、異常心理學、機構組織行為、社會心理學等 。