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Certified AEDP Therapists 

心理治療師 (加速體驗性動力學)

Ms. Johanna JEN 任瑞華女士

Senior Counselling and Training Consultant


Certified AEDP Therapist

Somatic Experiencing®Practitioner

Professional Certificate in the Theory and Supervised Practice of Family Systems Therapy, Pacific Coast Family Therapy Training Association, Canada

Prepare Enrich Certified Counsellor






Prepare Enrich 認證輔導員


Ms. Johanna Jen is a Registered Social Worker, who received her Master of Social Sciences Degree (Social Work- Family) from the University of Hong Kong. She had started to work in Medical Social Service and Family Service from 1989 and later in Counselling Services in both Hong Kong and Canada from 1992 to 2004. Having worked extensively with couples and families, Ms. Jen realized the importance of incorporating a Systemic Perspective into her work and acquired the Professional Certificate in the Theory and Supervised Practice of Family Systems Therapy (specialization in the Multigenerational Family Therapy) at the Pacific Coast Family Therapy Training Association, Vancouver, Canada. In the realm of Reconstructive Therapy, Ms. Jen had been deeply inspired by the works of Dr. Paula Bottome and received intensive training in Gestalt Therapy from 1989 to 1997 and facilitated the setup of the Gestalt Network in the Pacific Rim, Hong Kong. She continued her journey to integrate a holistic approach to mental health and would expand into the use of body-focused approach, such as Mindfulness, which she studied and practised at the Insight Meditation Society of Hong Kong, as well as Somatic Experiencing. Ms. Jen is a Certified AEDP Therapist (Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy) granted by the AEDP Institute, USA and a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner granted by the SE Trauma Institute, USA.


Ms. Jen specialized in working with developmental and relational traumas, pre-marital and marital issues, depression, anxiety, and personal development issues. She would be mindful in integrating her knowledge and skills in facilitating affect and somatic regulation, building secure attachment, enhancing body-mind-spirit connection as well as reflective function with those she serve.


By 2009, Ms. Jen started to conduct educational training at tertiary level in Hong Kong. She was invited to run workshop on “Working with Trauma” to the Bachelor of Criminal Justice (BCJ) Program, Sociology Department, University of Hong Kong. She taught Marital Counselling for the Social Work and Social Administration Department since 2011 and was appointed Honorary Lecturer in the Department from 2011-16. Ms. Jen can conduct her service in Cantonese, English and Mandarin.


任瑞華女士曾任職醫務及家庭服務社工,從1992-2004年, 她一直服務於香港及加拿大之輔導服務中心。任女士專長於個人精神健康、情緒病及身心之創傷治療、婚前輔導及婚姻治療,曾舉辦親子及兩性關係教育,正念培育 (Mindfulness) 及身心聯系及鬆弛等等多項專題講座及工作坊。


早年與受助之夫婦及家庭同行,任女士深切體會家庭系統理論的重要性,並於加拿大温哥華太平洋海岸家庭治療協會取得家庭治療之專業証書 (Professional Certificate in the Theory and Supervised Practice of Family Systems Therapy) 。她亦為認可婚前/婚後關係 (Prepare/Enrich) 輔導員。在個人情緒/精神健康的治療方面,任女士為 (Gestalt Network in the Pacific Rim) 香港創會會員,並為圓融治療 (Gestalt Therapy) 之個人/團體輔導員。她更進深學習及完成心理治療之理論及臨床訓練,獲取美國加速體驗性動力學心理治療學院(Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy Institute) 認可治療師的資格。此治療對治心靈創傷、情緒困擾及情緒病如抑鬱、焦慮、創傷壓力後遺症有顯著的治療效果。任女士亦為體感療癒師,並會按當事人的情況及需要運用體感療癒創傷治療法 (Somatic Experiencing) 及正念修習 (Mindfulness),藉著身體、情感之調適互動及深化的治療關係,協助當事人經驗正向治療能力,培育身心體認及達致經驗重整的效果。



甚麼是「加速體驗性動力學心理治療 Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (AEDP)」?

若你知道自己的問題,甚至理解自己受著負面情緒及思想之困擾,你想改變,但又感到自己欠缺情感動力…….. 你可考慮經驗此治療,去體會內在情感之力量、啟發右腦溝通及生命本自俱足的療癒能量。



由美國紐約猶太裔心理治療師戴安娜﹒霍玉霞(Dr. Diana Fosha)始創之「加速體驗性動力學心理治療」 (Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy)是一個以蛻變轉化 (Transformation)為基礎並以復原 (Healing)為核心,引導受助者作出情感的體驗、宣示、調校及溝通表達,由此引發催化身心狀態蛻變的心理治療模式。



加速體驗性動力學心理治療融通了多種學術傳統之洞見,包括短期動力心理治療(Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapies)、情感理論(Emotion Theory)、情感大腦神經科學(Affective Neuroscience)、依附理論(Attachment Theory)、母親與嬰兒關係發展研究(Mother-Infant Developmentalist Studies) 、以 身 體 感 覺 為 主 的 治 療 進 路 (Body-Focused Approaches) 及 蛻 變 轉 化 研 究 (Transformational Studies)等等。



於治療中,治療師跟受助者重建失落了的情感共鳴 (Affective-Relational Healing Experience),讓受助者得著安全基地 (Secure Base) 去面對及處理重重障礙及煩惱。當事人激烈的情感經驗,昔日因缺乏適量的情感關懷及照顧而需要防衛機制的過濾(Defense Mechanisms),治療師透過當下之觀察(Moment-to-Moment Tracking)去回應當事人關係上的情感共鳴(Affective Attunement)、失去共鳴(Disruption)與及重修而再建立之(Repair)。藉與當事人所建立的感通與安全治療關係,幫助受助者當下這刻不再受孤寂折騰 (Undo Aloneness in the Face of Unbearable Experiences),調節情緒與焦慮(Dyadic Affect Regulation),溶化防範心態,並培養對身心感覺的內觀 (Mindfulness),從而讓當事人經驗重整矛盾心結的歷程,釋出蛻變轉化能力 (Transformational Experiences)及有效之適應行動 (Adaptive Action Tendencies)。此治療著重啟動右腦的溝通語言(Right-brain to Right-brain Communication),這包括於治療互動中開拓右腦之談話語氣節奏、視覺景象、玩耍及體會個人身體觸覺等等。



  • 情緒困擾/病 --- 如抑鬱、焦慮、社交恐懼、驚恐等
  • 心靈創傷 --- 如創傷後壓力心理障礙症
  • 人際關係之轉變及適應 --- 如喪親、失戀/婚等
  • 身心失調 --- 如失眠、痛症、厭/暴食等
  • 壓力及情緒管理



此服務適用於個人輔導, 亦適合婚姻及親子/家庭輔導,治療用於關係之輔導時,會著重建立情際關係 (affective attunement and attachment),協助夫婦、親子/人學習共同調節身心精神(dyadic regulation), 以面對過去的成長問題、生活壓力及關係中所產生的種種焦慮,以治療師為安全之基地(Secure Base)開拓感觀經驗(Expand channels of experiences e.g. auditory, visual, body sensations, imaginal, energetic, movement and emotional),以達致情感共鳴之溝通,及學習於失去情感共鳴時, 提昇覺醒及重修關係的動力,作為對應人生苦楚及創傷之重要資源 (To facilitate building of resources at both intrapsychic and interpersonal level)。
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