Body-mind Related Therapy
身心覺受(Embodiment* 體化認知)是最近培訓和心理輔導的一個大趨勢。不同的身心介入方式或心理治療如正念靜觀、體感療癒、心理專注介入或舞蹈動作治療等,已經變得越來越流行和實證為本。
「體感療癒是一種新穎的治療形式,由 Levine (1977, 1997, 2010) 在過去 45 年中開發。它專注於解決慢性壓力和創傷後壓力的症狀。 體感療癒與認知療法的不同之處在於它的主要干預策略涉及自下而上的處理,通過將受助者的注意力引導到內部感覺,包括內臟(內感覺)和肌肉骨骼(本體感覺和運動感覺),而不是主要的認知或情感體驗。
靜觀是一種治療技術,可以幫助您管理和預防抑鬱、壓力、焦慮或不滿情緒。 它使任何實踐的人都能過得更加專注、感恩和充滿活力的生活。 保持正念就是要意識到自己的經歷,時時刻刻,不加評判。於過去二十年在學術界、醫學界越來越受重視。在學術界,每年有關靜觀的文獻數量由2001年28篇急升至2011年397篇。於2014年2月更被《時代雜誌》以靜觀為一個革命設為封面。在美國,於不同的組織包括醫院、中小學、商業機構,甚至監獄也有各種不同的靜觀課程,以提升不同人士的身心健康和生活質素。
*What is Embodiment?
Embodiment is a big topic in recent training and counselling trend. Different body-mind based practice such as mindfulness, somatic experiencing, focusing, dance movement therapy and etc. has become more popular and evidence based.
Embodiment practices are derived from somatic therapy. Somatic therapy focuses on this very important mind/body interface. This form of therapy is inclusive and takes a holistic therapeutic approach.
Rather than focusing on the mind as other therapies do, somatic psychology focuses on the feedback loop between the body and mind. Therefore, having body awareness becomes a crucial healing agent.
Tension and pain no longer take up residence in the body anymore. In this kind of therapy, patients go beyond where verbal communication or talk therapy can take them. Somatic therapists employ mind-body techniques for the sake of releasing what’s weighing on you physically and emotionally.
Mental health practitioners use somatic therapy or embodiment therapy in a variety of ways. They employ body-oriented modalities for the betterment of patients in these types of activities:
Dance and movement
Voice work
Progressive muscle tightening & relaxing
Grounding exercises
Dance and Movement Therapy has over 60 years of history and it is an effective evidence based practice. The American Dance Therapy Association (ADTA) defines dance/movement therapy as the psychotherapeutic use of movement to promote emotional, social, cognitive and physical integration of the individual. It is not about learning dance, but aware of own body language, body-mind messages and subconscious mind to process and transform own state.
“SE is a novel form of therapy, developed by Levine (1977, 1997, 2010) over the past 45 years. It focuses on resolving the symptoms of chronic stress and post-traumatic stress. SE differs from cognitive therapies in that its major interventional strategy involves bottom-up processing by directing the client's attention to internal sensations, both visceral (interception) and musculoskeletal (proprioception and kinesthesis), rather than primarily cognitive or emotional experiences.
The sophisticated and precise theories and techniques of SE offer a way of understanding the processes that occur during mindfulness meditation, both the beneficial mental, emotional and physiological effects of mindfulness meditation and the flooding or dissociation that can occur when traumatic memories surface. In addition, SE can suggest ways in which mindfulness meditation practices could be modified to enable meditators to process traumatic material, and traumatized people to use mindfulness-based techniques to help them recover.”
“Mindfulness is a therapeutic technique that can help you manage and prevent feelings of depression, stress, anxiety, or discontent. It enables anyone who practices it to live a more attentive, appreciative and vibrant life. To be mindful is to be aware of your own experience, moment to moment, without judgment.”
In the past two decades, it has received increasing attention in the field of psychology and medicine. In academia, the number of articles on mindfulness has risen sharply from 28 in 2001 to 397 in 2011. In February 2014, it was featured on the cover of Time Magazine with the idea of presenting it as a revolution. In the United States, different organizations, including hospitals, primary and secondary schools, commercial institutions, and even prisons, have various meditation courses to improve the physical and mental health and quality of life of different people.
費用︰每小時港幣$1,500, 六節為一單元,每個單元$7,800 。