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An Integrative Neuro-Somatic WholebodyFocusing Oriented Approach in Trauma Treatment Certification Course 2025

An Integrative Neuro-Somatic Wholebody Focusing Oriented Approach in Trauma Treatment Certification Course

Module II : Integrative Neuro-Somatic Focusing Oriented Approach to work on Attachment /Relational Trauma

Course Code: PT-250603

Lectures & Practice Session: :

(Full Day) 11 June (Wed),

                 18 June (Wed),

                 22 June (Sun),

                 25 June (Wed) 2025, (9:30 - 17:30)

(Night Session) 30 June 2025(Mon) (18:30 - 21:30)

Venue:      9/F, No.9, Shing Mun Road, Tsuen Wan
Trainer:    Dr. Paulina Kwok 郭志英博士

Target:     Social Workers, Counselor, Therapist, Teacher, Medical staff and other helping                       professionals

Fee:  2 persons or more enrolling together or Caritas Staff︰$3,000/each

           Early bird fee:$3,100 (On or before 28/5/2025)

         Original Fee:$3,200



This level of training aims at deepening focusing and somatic healing journey around the attachment injuries, and to explore the transformation power of neuro-somatic and wholebody focusing oriented approach to foster the healing in the form of compassionate and connectedness.



1.    Learning Attachment Theory and the effects of attachment trauma from the neuroscience and Polyvagal perspective.
2.    Compassionately renew a felt sense of security and connectedness
3.    Helping client release stored tension in body that contribute to traumatic/distress response including defensives, anxiety, ambivalence and avoidance
4.    Helping client expand the capacity to process the traumatic memories and stuck up emotions
5.    Break the cycle of reenacting protective attachment patterns and restore the self-connectedness and in relationships


Content Outline:

1.    The neurobiological understanding of the developmental/ relational attachment trauma from the Polyvagal Theory and Attachment Theory
2.    Understanding the impact of child adversity, abusive /oppressive relationship and its impact on later development on different levels of psychological, social and the mind-body  
3.    Acquire the basic practice skills from Integrative Neuro Somatic Wholebody Focusing Oriented Approaches including: the felt sense and relational wholebody focusing, somatic approaches such as pendulation, somatic movement, parts work through somatic IFS etc., to work on the inner critical parts, the violation of boundary issues and the attachment wounds. 
4.    Learning the mindful emotional regulation and compassionately renew a felt sense of connection and security by expanding the window of tolerance and body wisdom to process the relational traumatic emotional experiences. 
5.    Creating a more adaptive belief and reclaiming boundaries through the cycle of reenacting protective attachment patterns. 


Course Structure & Requirement:

  • 4.5 lecture & Practice days

  • Participants shall practice around 2 months of WBF in pairs, once a week for half an hour each as Focuser and Listener (in pair practice, online or in person). 

Suitable Participants:

This training is suitable for participants who provides clinical work to individuals, couples and parents.

Requirement for Proficiency in Focusing Partnership (PFP) Award:

To be awarded as PFP from International Focusing Institute, participants must have to complete Module I, Module II & III as well as the practicum requirement on Wholebody Focusing (WBF) pair up practice. Recommendation for PFP is based on skills assessment by the Trainer.

Please click this link for details of Module I.

Please click this link for details of Module III.

About The international Focusing Institute


Dr. Paulina C.Y. Kwok 郭志英博士, RSW

Certified Wholebody Focusing Oriented Therapy Trainer & Therapist (TIFI)
Certified Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP®, Trauma Institute) 
Certified Ego-State Therapist (ESTI)
Certified Integral Somatic Psychology Practitioner (ISP)
Approved Clinical Supervisor, Clinical Fellow (AAMFT)
Fellow, Approved Counselling Supervisor, Certified Counsellor (HKPCA)
Certified Clinical Supervisor & Family Therapist (HKMFTA)
Fellow, Consultant Supervisor & Certified Social Work Specialist (HKSWA)
Crisis Intervention Practitioner (Individual, Group, Strategic planning, (ICISF)
Certified Transformation/Performance Coach (PCTC, ICF)

Comment of Participants:

  • 課程提升了對别人的盛載力,在工作上能有另一角度理解服務使用者。

  • 課程為我帶來自我療癒和對己對人有更多覺察。

  • 整個學習過程中,學習到如何聆聽身體信息,接納自己,達到與身體整合;同時,用在案主身上時除了更快了解案主的狀態,還可幫助案主更整合自身經驗,經歷治癒。

  • 課後的練習,彼此探索及分享的主題,變得更深入,互相支持度很高。

  • 我是很着重體驗學習的人,課程令我明白wholebody focusing的原理和威力,令我更有動力於課堂以外與其他學員練習及多用於日常輔導工作中。

  • 課程助我放慢下來,減低了我在面對案主時的緊張。另外,多次的練習成為我面對壓力的及時幫助。已約定學員以後都保持這種練習,互相支援守望相助。

  • 整體來說,我現在可以信任和等待身體的帶領,去處理自己和個案一些在認知上似乎束手無策的情況。

  • 完成三個單元後,感到喜出望外,因課程能助己助人,在輔導案主時更顯著有用。

  • 喜歡單元三的設計和活動練習,用全身生命自覺結合表達藝術、動態舞動身體等均是很好的體驗,喚起埋藏已久的身體記憶、和思想更明辨,感到釋放與自由。

  • 學習能幫助案主的內在智慧出來安慰、鼓勵和指示,不用花很多時間就得到療效。

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